Questions about electricity bills

What are the components of my electricity bill? Why am I getting two invoices? When does the night-time rate apply? Can I get a payment extension?

These are some of the questions our customers frequently ask. Not everyone is familiar with the Electricity Market Act or the practices and terminology of the business. The basics are explained below in a nutshell.

Basic fee and energy

The basic fee is a monthly fee.  It’s the same every month, regardless of energy consumption. The energy charge is based on both the rate specified in your contract and your energy consumption during the billing period.  Vakio-contracts do not include a separate basic fee.

We get the information about your energy consumption from your local power distribution company.

Two bills

Your local power distribution company sends you a bill for the transfer of electricity and for other grid services, and charges the electricity tax. The billing cycles of the local power distribution company and Fortum can be different.

If your local power distribution company is Caruna, you will receive a joint invoice for both electricity consumption and transfer.

Low-cost night-time electricity

If you are using time-of-day or seasonal metering, we will receive this information from your local power distribution company and apply a lower night-time rate in our contracts based on c/kWh pricing.

Time-of-day and seasonal metering is used in Finland to guide consumers to use electricity at times when general energy consumption at the national level is low. This reduces the environmental burden and the need to build additional capacity for electricity production and transfer.

Billing for market-priced electricity

The market-priced Fortum Tarkka contract is based on hourly rates. This means you can benefit from lower night-time, weekend and summer rates, even if you do not have time-of-day metering in use. You can check the hourly rates at our website or through the My Fortum application.

The total electricity cost on your bill is calculated by applying the hourly rate to your hourly energy consumption during that hour.

Prepare for your future bills

The easiest way to check the hourly rates, your energy consumption and costs is the My Fortum online service or application. Particularly those customers who use electric heating should start paying attention when outside temperatures drop below zero

Read about My Fortum services


Questions and answers about the service
Cost efficient

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My Fortum

Oma Fortum Application and My fortum web service

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Contact by phone

Bills, term of payment

0200 19000

Local network charge/mobile charge
Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm

If you are calling from abroad:

+358 10 45 660

Customer service


02 2700 395

The regular call tariffs dependent on your telephone connection and operator.

Mon- Fri 8 am – 8 pm
Sat 10 am – 3 pm